,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, |JELBIC LANGUAGES VOCABULARY SHEET v0.1.3 by IdioC with sections attributed where assisted| '--------------------------------------|04/10/2015|---------------------------------------' Released under the WTFPL (http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/) ,--------, |Pronouns| '--------' Kae - I Hye - You Re / Rie / Tehe /Reian - He/She/It/They Isre - Us Azre - Them Jezéhye - You (honorific) ,---------, |Particles| '---------' Orzy - Topic Wrzy - Subject Grzy - Object Hrzy - Dative (time/destination) Trzy - Exhaustive list / with Yrzy - Non-exhaustive list Drzy - Location of Action/Cause Mrzy - Additive particle Moki - More of (-ki from counter) Zri - Question Gerdzy - Comparitive Drmwa - Despite/Even If Yrzá/Yrzé - Exclamation Nrzé - Confirmation -ék - possessive (-aék if already ending with k/d) -é - adjectival Hrerwa - "but, however" Firja - from Timad - until/limit ,-----, |Verbs| '-----' // Conjugation Table ,-------++--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, |List || 1st stage | |-------++--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Present|| Intransitive / Passive / Conjunctive / Continuous / Imperative / Causative / Volitional | |-------++--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-jo || -kaf- / -mi- / -hylak- / -zuo / -gah / -kon / -shu | |-mo || -jaf- / -ji- / -jylak- / -juo / -jah / -jon / -ju | |-------++--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------' |-------++--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+---------------| |List || 2nd stage | | | |-------++--------------------------------------------------------------|---------------|---------------| |Present|| Past / Future / Negative / Desire | Conditional | Gerund | |-------++--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------|---------------| |-jo || -mek / -fetak / -krza / -trnat | -matra | -(jo)gad | |-mo || -jek / -jetak / -jrza / -jrnat | -jatra | -(mo)jad | '-------++----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' // -jo verbs // Abstjo (to abandon) Ajo (to be) // IRREGULARITY: transitional used for "is (existing)" - ajozuo, "ajo" is rarely seen. Avjo (to love) Brmokjo (to bring (an object)) Dényamtokjo (to dare (to do something)) Drkjo (to be possible to) Drnjo (to discuss) Frjo (to burn) Genjo (to energise/charge/excite) Grzojo (to grow/expand) Hatràjo (to work) Heijo (to support) Hiejo (to hear) Hldjo (to draw/equalise) Irojo (to learn) Jajo (to meet) Jaríjo (to retire/stand down) Kaerjo (to return) Kakríjo (to write) Krjo (to die) Krsyijo (to unite) Kudnkjo (to thank) Kydnjo (to deny (right/access)) Lowàsjo (to lose (object)) Mrjo (to protect) Nrjo (to nominate/elect/vote) Nrljo (to illuminate/clarify/brighten) Nyfjo (to name) Pntejo (to bridge/join) Prsojo (to have) Rgotjo (to regret) Sagjo (to say) Sedrijo (to serve) Shikjo (to know) //IRREGULARITY: transitional used as "is knowing" - shikjozuo. "shikjo" seldom seen. Shlajo (to fight) Srnkjo (to shrink/diminish) Tabetjo (to eat) Tachásjo (to stand (up; take/make a stand)) Tojo (to take) Trpjo (to start) Ukétrjo (to receive) Wakrjo (to understand) Zsijo (to see) // -mo verbs // Afrkmo (to ask) Akrosmo (to punish) Aprtmo (to report) Bozumo (to worsen) Drnomo (to drink) Drsmo (to divide/separate) Epsetmo (to explain) Fahmo (to go) Fitomo (to stop) Flakmo (to bend/wither) Graksmo (to conceal/darken) Grundmo (to stay/remain) Grzmo (to win) Hatajmo (to toil/strive) - Also used for "Heave Ho" (courtesy of Sam26) Heimo (to improve) Herzmo (to be compulsed/forced to (cause uses Drzy)) Hidnmo (to deny (fact/rumour)) Jlemo (to think) Katakmo (to sleep) Kezmo (to strengthen) Kjkegmo (to print) Krajmo (to plough) (courtesy of Sam26) Krmo (to come) Megàmo (to give) Mitrmo (to recognise) Nrkmo (to become (new state uses hrzy)) Pntakmo (to direct) Ságmo (to announce) Shrmo (to rule) Shmo (to do) Suadmo (to set up, to put) Srlmo (to embue/instil) Srnépukmo (to surrender) Tekàmo (to evolve/change) Thotrmo (to reflect (upon)(time uses hrzy)) Tokmo (to stalk/prey (upon)) Undmo (to lose/be defeated) Utrmo (to speak) Wafmo (to wave) Wrntumo (to lead) Zemo (to do) Znmo (to oppose) ,-------------------, |Nouns and Modifiers| '-------------------' BASICS: Kroz (Yes), Densted (No), Trozjka- (Every), Suadja- (New), Krdaz (please), Kudnkjomek (Thanks), DEMONSTRATIVE/INTERROGATIVE PREFIXES: Hi- (This), Kri- (That), Zyk- (Which/What) CONCEPTS: Nyf (name), Pylz (place), Irda (idea), Krna (time), Bjek (Object/thing), Shmas (Action), Hiko (person), Srl (mind/soul), Kai (man), Mai (woman), Esti (life), Seik (world), Prba (part (also used as a suffix)). Trozjka-kai => Trozjkai (Everyone/All of us) Ishto (together). INTERROGATIVES: Zykshmas (What/Which action - "How"), Zykherz (What/Which compulsion - "Why"), Zykki (What/Which count - "How many"), Zykplyz (Which place - "Where?"), Zykhiko (Which person - "Who?") ABBREVIATIONS: ékkai => ék'ai, ékhiko => ék'o, any two similar consecutive letters => second omitted with an apostrophe. FAMILY (Nyfkai): Nyfkai (Family), (Jez- Great Hldjez- Grand) Hàha (mother), Frto (father), Brnfi (brother), Srmto (sister), Srmko (son), Drsme (daughter), Hiéjn (uncle), Obán (aunt), Israsrmko (nephew), Israsrmto (neice), Onsbrnfi/Ons'rmto (cousin m/f) DATE/TIME (Krna): Amsa (Morning), Prsmat (Afternoon), Baeve (Evening), Hikrna (This time, now) Mje (before/earlier), Shtàj (after/later) Wrntukrna => Wrn'krna (future) Ertrunkrna => Er'krna (past) Froa (second), Grna (minute), Zlrntu (hour), Ak (day), Tyru (week), Azmati (Month), Roz (Season (crt. Sam26)), Noju (Year), Hiak (today), Kriwrntuak (tomorrow), Kriertrunak (yesterday), Krizwitkowrntuak (two days ahead "that second forward day"), Krizwitkoertrunak (two days ago "that second backward day") [x units of time in the future or past can be composed as follows (with limited practicality)] Kridezewrntutyru ("that tenth forward week"), Kritordezewrntufroa ("that thirtieth forward second") -mai = time suffix for "ago" (with ORDINAL number: e.g. torzeazmatimai - Three Months ago) -kamai = time suffix for "period of time before" (with CARDINAL number+counter: e.g. torbakiazmatikamai - The Past Three Months) -shtàj = time suffix for "in the future" (with ORDINAL number: e.g. torza'zmatishtàj - (in) Three Months' Time) -kashtàj = time suffix for "period of time ahead" (with CARDINAL number+counter: e.g. torbakiazmatikashtàj - The Coming Three Months) DIRECTIONS (Pntak): Wrntu (forward), Ertrun (backward), Apruj (left), Dernid (right), Awe (up), Srta (down), Pntak (direction) Abue (above), Besh (below), Beid (between), Tonb (Beside/Next To), Naki (In/Inside), Sot (Out/Outside) COMPASS: Nrkta (North), Eto (East), Myto {JELBÉK}/ Mito {PNTÉK} (West), Snta (South) LOCATIONS: Kns (Country), Knstat (State), Jezstad (City), Stad (Town), Domura (Village) GAME NATIONS: Jelbe (Jelbania), Pnte (Pontesi), Brme (Barmenistan), Wrnuke (Vanuku), Drtáre (Deltaria), Beíte (Beiteynu), Séleue (Selucia), Zàrde (Zardugal), Kobre (Cobura) NATURE (Naszen): Hyéon (sun), Hyéonlrn (sunbeam), Klune (moon), Strhosí (star), Hydwas (water), Fluz (river), Sme (sea), Knga (canal), Sn (Sand; Grain of: Snprba) Gumo (mouth of river) Sukr (Earth), Taghe (fields), Hrne (flowers), Trk (Tree), Frjogad (fire, instance of), Frj (fire in general), Frjsrl (Ash, "Fire soul") Fua (air), Wikàz (wind) Hok (hill), Yamt (mountain) Oskyu (oil); Oskyutaghe (oil field) Rmjko (remains (dead or alive - can be specified)) ANIMALS: Tri (bird), Jeztri (Hawk), Heijtri (Eagle), Frjtri (Phoenix, "Fire bird") Nka (Cat), Dnu (Dog), Mouzij (Mouse), Nezij (Rat), Fers (Horse), Kru (Cattle), Trnksu (Pig), Shmb (Sheep) METALS/ELEMENTS (Kinzme/Egens): Kinzme (Metal) Atim (Antimony) Bisen (Bismuth) Douk (Copper) Ginsl (Silver) Hapta (Pewter) Hisar (Arsenic) Hysuz (Hydrogen) Irts (Iron) Kàtanz (Carbon) Kel (Nickel) Kigo (Gold) Kob (Cobalt) Mersgí (Mercury) Nald (Lead) Nikiz (Nitrogen) Osanz (Oxygen) Prin (Phosphorus) Seidob (Bronze) Sio (Sulfur) Sko (Steel) Tizu (Tin) Tnst (Tungsten) Zan (Zinc) WEATHER (Tenk): Amr (Rain) Arsh (Storm) Kud (Cloud) Foksmí (Mist/Fog) Hyo (Hail) Koi (Ice) Mizsl (Sleet) Syuk (Snow) Tenkol (Lightning) Traimé (Thunder) FOOD (Tabetbjek => Tabjek): Ple (plum), Pemo (peach), Krsk (cherry) Gohr (rice), Ump (potato), Pabr (bread) Meník (meat), Sàfk (fish) DRINK (Drnobjek): Wrn (wine), Srwe (beer), Zrn (Juice), Trne (Tonic/Elixir. Usage: Trnék Hydwas (tonic's water) or Trné (fruit)-k Zrn ((fruit)ade)) POLITICS/CULTURE: Srtràp (Satrap/Region {PNTÉK}), Prtastat (Part State/Region {BRMÉK}), Atabék (Atabeg), Prta (party), Grundnyr (Movement "Non-Static"), Grsho (group), Frnd (money/economy), Srne (table), Kaisrne ("people table", discussion hall), Zemosrne ("workers table", workers' council/soviet (NB: Soviet in a place name should be Zemosrnék)), Kàbina (cabinet), Str (seat), Hnaj (bill), Wrntuhiko (leader "forward person"), Strkai (politician "seat person"). Hafrta (Flag), Nrzishmas (vote), Nrjogad (election) Knsag'ad (language), Kjkegmàbjek (Press "Printing thing") Zemojad (work/labour (doing)), Zemojadaékai (worker), Zemojad Prta (work(ers)/Labour party) Knsékbeid (International; +é (adj.)/+ék (adv.) for Internationally) Rajis (race), Isrékrajis => Isré'rajis (our race) BODY: Mye (eye), Káhe (head), Hekam (Hair), Gumo (mouth), Cho (cheek), Mins (mind), Estifluz (blood), Swas (sweat) MILITARY: Grm (Army) VALUE CONCEPTS: Geik (Glory) Gokasp (Splendour) Heijifrnd (Prosperity; +é "prosperous"; +ék "prosperously") Hen (Support), Jezhen (Mainstay, lit. "main support") Lofrkad (Freedom) Pokra (Power) Prjim (Pride; +é "proudly"; +srlji "Proud") Rímsa (Justice/Righteousness) Rymi (Renown; +srljl "Renowned") Támnr (Honour) STATES: Krsyjogad (Union), Hldjogad (Commonwealth), Rekvakns (Republic), Jezknstat (Empire), Taghék (Federal) COLOURS: Aked (red), Bao (blue), Grno (yellow), Vrn (green), Orna (orange), Prsakij (purple), Nrl (white/clear), Grak (black/dark) SHAPE: Lrn (line/stripe), Mancurz (cross), Shrv (Chevron) RELIGION: Eslam (Islam), Kàticka (Catholicism), Strhosíék'ai (Star People - Old term for Jews), Judís {JELBÉK/southern BRMÉK}/ Jude {PNTÉK/northern BRMÉK} (Judaism). Jezhrje'ko (God/Allah, shortened from "Jezhrjehiko" which appears in old texts), Jesu (Jesus), Kàtickapylz (Church), Eslampylz (Mosque), Judíspykz (Synagogue). BUILDINGS/FACILITIES: Grsku (School) VEHICLES: Kyek (Kayak) INSULTS: Dofkai(m)/Dofmai(f) (Idiot/Fool) ,-----------------------------------------, |Brmék Language Words (Courtesy of Emunim)| '-----------------------------------------' //Brmék language is Jelbic in nature, but contains words from its Muslim culture not found in other Jelbic states. Bey (Chieftain or superior (authoritarian connotations)), Meclis (Parliament), Cernietyi (Society/ Organisation) LATER BRMÉK ADDITIONS: Sháhaziékhafrta (Lion Flag/Banner) ,----------------------, |Adjectives and Adverbs| '----------------------' //Usually formed from verbs or nouns in the following way: // -ji from mo verbs, -zi from jo verbs, others non-verbal. -nyr to negate. // Nounal adjectives -srlji (-souled) (declining use, although used for greater symbolism. Archaic in Pnték, more prevalent in Jelbék) // Adverbial -ji -> -ja, -zi -> -za, others -> +é -nyr to negate. // Superlative - Jez-, Comparative - Hldjez-, very - Dyi- , Jezhrje- most important Jez (superior, also honorific), Hldji (average), Heiji (good/right), Bozuji (bad/evil), Intrsmor (intelligent), Dof (stupid), Genzi (Energetic), Katakji (Sleepy/Lethargic), Grund (Still/Static/Grounded) Krzi (dead), Azi (alive/vibrant), Grzozi (large), Srnkzi (small), Kezji (strong), Flakji (weak) Isr (original/preliminary), Hrje (ultimate/final), Trpji (new), Suadji (established) Krsyiji (united), Drszi (divided), Pntezi (bridged/joined), Rgotzi (regretful), Sagzi (talkative), Utrji (multicultural), Fahji (Distant), Kaerzi (Near), Nrlak (Clear), Graksmor (Dark), Grzojogadsrlji (Happy), Srnkjogadsrlji (Sad), Mje (before/earlier), Shtàj (after/later) Onsmi (same/similar) POLITICAL: Znkak (cynical), Knstatak (nationalist) Nrzi (democratic (election-ist)) Lofrkadé (liberal/pro-freedom (lit. freedom-ish)) Mrjogadé (conservative (lit. of protection-ish)) Rekvaknsé (republican (lit. of republic-ish)) Jezknstatak/ék (imperial (lit. of empire-ist)) Onsmifrndé (socialist (lit. "same fund"-ish) Isràkifrndé (communist (lit. "one fund"-ish)) Taghé {JELBÉK} / Srtràpék {PNTÉK} / Prtastaték {BRMÉK} (federalist (lit. "field/satrap/partstate"-ish)) Vrné (green) Staté (Fascist (lit. State-ish)) Znzanyr (unopposed) ,-------, |Numbers| '-------' // Counter = Cardinal + ki) // Only Ordinals for 1 and 2 do not end in "ze". X - Ordinal (Order) - Cardinal (Count/Numbering) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 - N/A - Nuba 1 - Isrà - Isràba 2 - Zwitko - Zwiba 3 - Torze - Torba 4 - Kntze - Kntba 5 - Snze - Snba 6 - Heze - Heba 7 - Náze - Nába 8 - Ayze - Ayba 9 - Kyuze - Kyuba 10 - Deze - Deba 11 - Deisràze - Deisràba 12 - Dezwitkoze - Dezwitkoba 13 - Detorze - Detorba 1X - De - De 20 - Zwitkodeze - Zwitkodeba 21 - Zwitkodeisràze - Zwitkodeisràba 22 - Zwitkodezwitkoze - Zwitkodezwiba 2X - Zwitkode - Zwitkode 30 - Tordeze - Tordeba 40 - Kntdeze - Kntdeba 50 - Sndeze - Sndeba 60 - Hedeze - Hedeba 70 - Nádeze - Nádeba 80 - Aydeze - Aydeba 90 - Kyudeze - Kyudeba // General Forms Y0 - deze - deba YX - de - de // Examples 54 - = Sn - = Sn - = Kntze - = Kntba => Sndekntze - => Sndekntba 89 - = Ay - = Ay - = Kyuze - = Kyuba => Aydekyuze - => Aydekyuba // Sometimes "ze" and "ba" are retained, this is formal/outmoded. // It is easier to leave them in - often used for formal years (Cabinet proposals etc) // Hundreds 100 - Setzà - Setbí 101 - Setzàisrà - Setbíisràba 102 - Setzàzwitko - Setbízwiba 103 - Setzàtorze - Setbítorba 110 - Setzàdeze - Setbídeba 111 - Setzàdeisràze - Setbídeisràba 112 - Setzàdezwitkoze - Setbídezwitkoba 120 - Setzàzwitkodeze - Setbízwitkodeba 1YX - Setzàde - Setbíde 200 - Zwitkosetzà - Zwitkosetbí 300 - Torsetzà - Torsetbí 400 - Kntsetzà - Kntsetbí 500 - Snsetzà - Snsetbí 600 - Hesetzà - Hesetbí 700 - Násetzà - Násetbí 800 - Aysetzà - Aysetbí 900 - Kyusetzà - Kyusetbí ZYX - setzàde - setbíde // Examples 789 - = Ná - = Ná - = Ay - = Ay - = Kyuze - = Kyuba => Násetzàaydekyuze - => Násetbíaydekyuba - "Seven hundreds and Eighty-Nine" // Higher orders - Use the same format as hundreds : 1,000 - Motzà - Motbí 10,000 - Zalzà - Zalbí 100,000 - Kytzà - Kytbí // Examples 2,009 - Zwitkomotzàkyuze - Zwitkomotbíkyuba - | 2 |1000| 9 | - | 2 |1000| 9 | - "Two thousands and nine" 98765 - = Kyu (ABZYX) - = Ay - = Ná - = He - = Snze - = Snba => Kyuzalzàaymotzànásetzàhedesnze - Kyuzalbíaymotbínásetbíhedesnba- "9 myriads, 8 thousands, 7 hundreds and 65" -|9|10000|8|1000|7|100| 65 | - |9|10000|8|1000|7|100| 65 | // Compound orders // // The same format, except that everything now has to be declared in chunks. // eg as in English, 987,987,987,012 would be "Nine hundred and eighty-seven billion, nine hundred and eighty-seven million, // nine hundred and eighty-seven thousand and twelve", in the Jelbic languages, the same has to be done with larger groups. // // In the Jelbic languages, these groups go up to 100,000 (5 digits). You'll hardly need these higher ones. // // This means that these higher numbers, whilst logical, are complicated and sometimes of obscene length... 10^10 - Jykzà - Jykbí - (Kytzà x Kytzà) 10^15 - Wakzà - Wakbí - (Kytzà x Jykzà) 10^20 - Zrntzà - Zrntbí - (Kytzà x Vakzà) // Example - 1,200,012,000,120,001,200,012,000 // // The short stems <-ze/-ba> of 1 and 2 are Isrà and Zwitko as before (no -ze or -ba to remove in these cases). // This number broken into blocks of 5 - 1,200,0|12,000,|120,00|1,200,0|12,000 // So there are 12,000 lots of 10^20, 12,000 of 10^15, 12,000 of 10^10, 12,000 of 10^5 (10^5 = 100,000) and 12,000. // (12,000 of each order in this example for simplicity) // // 12,000 = Zalzàzwitkomotzà (See above) // // But there are 12,000 of each "group" and they all have to be declared. This can get rather long. // // Spaces have been put in to help show the structure, but the word itself would not have them in. // // => Zalzàzwitkomotzà/zrntzà/zalzàzwitkomotzà/wakzà/zalzàzwitkomotzà/jykzà/zalzàzwitkomotzà/kytzà/zalzàzwitkomotzà (Ordinal) // | 12,000 |10^20 | 12,000 |10^15| 12,000 |10^10| 12,000 |10^5 | 12,000 | // or Zalbízwibamotbí /zrntbí/zalbízwibamotbí /wakbí/zalbízwibamotbí /jykbí/zalbízwibamotbí /kytbí/zalbízwibamotbí (Cardinal) //GENERAL TIPS FOR READING NUMBERS - Look for zà and ze, or bí or ba. Not only do they tell you which type of number it is, they point out the ends of individual digits/orders - If a smaller number appears before a larger number when written out in full, it's "how many of the larger number" there are. - Make sure the smaller number in front of a larger one doesn't have an even smaller number before it. Can be confusing. - If in doubt, just write the numbers out in numerals and break them up into blocks of five as per the long example above. AND THE BEST TIP OF ALL: - Just stick to the numerals themselves for all except for really formal things (cabinet proposals are good) or in speeches if you're trying to write entirely in the language and want to give the feel. If it works, it fits a treat; if it's too complicated, hardly anyone bothers with them. ,------------------------------------------------------------------------------, |Common Jelbic Name stems (Courtesy of Justin from existing language, modified)| '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Azi (m/f) = Vibrant Genzi = (m/f) = Energetic Grzkai (m)/Grzmai (f) = Winner Grzoziklune (m/f) = Growing Moon Jezklune (m/f) = Large Moon Heijinoju (m/f) = Good Year Heijkai (m)/Heijmai (f) = Supporter Hldjezesti (m/f) = Grand Life Intrsmor (m/f) = Intelligent Hrne (f) = Flower Jeztri (m/f) = Hawk Jlekai (m)/Jlemai (f) = Thinker Kezkai (m)/Kezmai (f) = Strengthener Klune (m/f) = Moon Krsyijkai (m)/Krsyijmai (f) = Unifier Mrjkai (m)/Mrjmai (f) = Protector Nrljkai (m)/Nrljmai (f) = Illuminator Sagzi (m/f) = Talkative Shlajkai (m)/Shlajmai (f) = Fighter Suadjasrl (m/f) = New Soul Tri (m/f) = Bird Trisrl (m/f) = Bird Soul Wrntukai (m)/Wrntumai (f) = Leader ,-----------------------, |Example Text: JIK Notes| '-----------------------' Jelbék Isràe Krsyigad HoS:Isràkai (First Person) HoG:Wrntusrljikai (Forward-souled Person) Gov:Jelbék Krs'kaisrne Reg:Taghe Paper:Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (Jelbanian Purple Stripe) Cities Anthem Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn. Kriertrunakaék Jelbékai (Yesterday's Jelbanians) Krsyigad drzy shlajomek (Fought for the union) Kezji drsmojekjrza (Strongly not seperating) Krjozuo, hrerwa (Dieing, however) Shlajogad hrzy grzmojek (winning in the fighting) Hiakaék Heiji Jelbékai (Today's righteous Jelbanians) Wrntu hrzy fahmojuo (Go forwards) Intrsmor trzy Nrlak (Intelligent and clear) Drzy nrkmojuojetak (We will become) Katakjinyr ajozuo (We are not tired.) Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe) Isre wrzy krsyijozuo (is uniting us all) Taghe firja Jezstad timad (from the fields to the cities) Jelbékai ajozuo (we are all Jelbanian people) Kriwrntuakaék Jelbékai (Tomorrow's Jelbanians) Isràk Krsyiji Krna (Our united times) Hrzy thotrmojetak (Will be reflected upon) Genjogad srlmojetak (and [They will be] remotivated (embued with energising)) Azre orzy flakmojrza (They will not wither) Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe) Isre wrzy krsyijozuo (is uniting us all) Taghe firja Jezstad timad (from the fields to the cities) Jelbékai ajozuo (we are all Jelbanian people) Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn: (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe) Jelbékai ajozuo (we are all Jelbanian people)